Tuesday, 15 August 2017

'This is Our World' Exhibition

I have been to a free exhibition in London by Art World Conservation which is being held over 3 weeks. It is displaying 11 life sized paintings of endangered animals, providing information about them alongside each picture.

Words and photos cannot truly describe the enormity and detail of these paintings, all painted by the same artist on canvas. Some paintings are so big you can see where 2 pieces of canvas are attached.

Below are a few of the many endangered animals and a little bit of information on them:

There are 3 species of Zebra, with the Grevy Zebra being most endangered of the 3. The others being plains and mountain zebra. They are all found in Africa and there are thought to be around 2000 Grevy Zebra left in the wild.

Sloth's are found in the rainforests of South/Central America and eat plants and leaves which provide them with little energy, helping to justify the 20 hours they spend asleep each day and why they move so slowly. They have natural predators, as well as the decline in the rainforest due to deforestation.

African Bull Elephant
Elephants are most often poached for their ivory tusks in Africa which are then sold on. Elephants are killed in order for their tusks and this is cause for the decline of the wild elephant population.

Polar Bears

The melting ice of the Arctic is having an impact on the entirety of its food chain. As the food chain fails, the Polar Bears become malnourished and the population drops.

There are also images and information on Rothschild giraffes, great white sharks, gorillas and a whole host of other animals. Once these animals are lost from the wild, there will be no way to get them back, so conservation has to be part of the way forward.

The exhibition is in London until August 25th 2017, free and open from 10am-8pm. If you have the chance to go and see them, I believe they are being auctioned off at a private event, then I would recommend it. Otherwise, you can see the paintings on their website which there is a link to above. 

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