Saturday, 31 December 2016

Top 5 Technology for Travel

So thinking about technology, I have come up with the 5 most important bits of technology for taking abroad.

1. Tablet

It can be used as an alarm clock, used to play music or games and when you have Wi-Fi can help you connect to the world. It also comes with a camera and all the abilities of your phone, but without the roaming charges and networks.

2. Waterproof Camera

The joy of a waterproof camera is that you can take it anywhere, city or beach or under the waves. The quality of out of water photos are good, even if you don't get a huge range on the zoom. Anyway some of these high end cameras have poorer quality the more you zoom. Underwater the photos can be a bit dark, but it will give you memories of the things you have seen in the water. Most of them are ok up to at least 10m, but if all you plan to do is snorkel or stay relatively shallow it does a good job. They just need a rinse or a soak in fresh water after exposure to salt water.  It also means you only need to take one camera regardless of where you go. Plus if it pours with rain you don't need to worry about trying to keep the camera dry.

3. An old phone

If you take an unlocked old phone you will be able to buy local sim cards, saving yourself roaming charges and money on texts and calls. If there are a few of you with local sim cards you can then communicate with each other in the country you are in. Taking an old phone means that it doesn't have all of your precious memories and contacts on if it takes a tumble or goes missing.

4. Charger

If you have an apple product then you need its charger, but if you are an android user then one charger will cover many objects; including the tablet, phone and camera. One charger means less wires and less things to take.

5. Universal Adaptor

Without this none of the above will work after any length of time. Universal adaptors are better if you are going to multiple countries, whereas a local adaptor is adequate if you are staying in one place or need a different style adaptor.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Preparing for the adventure of a lifetime


I am new to the world of blogging, so you will have to bear with me until I master this new art.

I am not your average gap year student, I am employed full time but have decided to take a gap quarter from work, who have kindly agreed to let me take an employment break. I might not get paid for it, but I will have a job to come back to.

I will be starting off with a medical Internship in Delhi, India with Oyster Worldwide. They do a whole range of projects, you can find them here:

India is going to be worlds away from anywhere I have been on holiday before and I will spend 5 weeks in a Delhi hospital which is going to be an experience from what I hear.

The hardest decision I had to make having decided to go was what colour t-shirt to order, but with that decision out of the way the planning has been in full swing.

I had great debates with my poor mother on whether to take a suitcase or a backpack and after having to get a heavy suitcase up a tram step I could suddenly see all the advantages to a backpack. Suitcases may have more space and wheels, but on uneven surfaces with 20kg of stuff they are suddenly not so amazing.

I nearly changed my mind on Asia after a trip to the travel clinic with the long list of recommended vaccinations - I think I will be a pin cushion by the time I leave. It pays to look around as different places charge significantly different amounts for the same vaccines.

The organisational side is ramping up a gear with merely weeks to go I am very excited about the adventures ahead.